Heart of Influence
What is Heart of Influence?
The Heart of Influence is not a podcast, lunch or dinner meeting, nor a networking event.
Heart of Influence, however, is not, not, the best of all of those things.
Sean Callagy is a licensed attorney and holder of a one in 1.2 million distinction, with his two top one hundred national jury verdicts, as well as appearing on Tony Robbins’ stage 19 times, raising millions for charity, building a forty-person law firm two years out of law school and a one-hundred-person law firm in two years after selling his first law firm. Bella Verita is the Heart of Influence cohost who became the number one business broker in Nevada as the youngest person, age 24, and first woman ever to do it in a male dominated industry, in a brutally challenging market.
This innovative and one-of-a-kind show has been conducted more than 1350 times as a way to bring 5 to 8 attorneys and other licensed professionals together with entrepreneurs, celebrity athletes, best-selling authors and more. Since the dawn of COVID when Sean Callagy created this platform, the show has had more than eight thousand people as guests, including Disney executives, NY times best-selling authors, professional athletes, influencers and major podcasters, public company CEOs, attorneys…
The reviews almost always say the same thing: I had no idea what this was and I loved it. I learned something, was blown away by Bella’s energy and Sean’s magic moment and loved meeting so many amazing people in just one hour. It was an hour very well spent and I want to connect and learn more about Unblinded and everyone here.
The show was born out of necessity and based on the Unblinded Formula, which recognizes: All business is built on relationships. All relationships are built on shared experiences. Thus, the question is how can I create the most efficient shared experience to meet my ideal avatars AND learn about Integrity Based Human Influence.
What happens on the show?
If you would have lunch with Sean and/or Bella, then you should say yes.
You have zero to lose except an hour of your time. We are very confident that this beats any networking event, reading a book, watching Netflix or many of the other lunch or dinner invitations you accept.
Oh, and it is very fun. We laugh a lot.
Quotes and testimonials by practitioner.
PS: Bella and I met on the show.
We only have, obviously, a limited number of slots each month, so if you want to apply, click here.
I was paid $25,000 for a one hour virtual speaking engagement.
I raised 2.6 million in 2 hours in a room that was not a charitable event.
I raised 1.8 million dollars in 26 minutes for Tony Robbins’ birthday.